Current Customer Service Support Phone Number: call 1-877-539-3080 (TTY 711).
Future / Prospective Customer Service Support Phone Number: call 1-866-400-5077 (TTY 711).
The history of this company can be traced back to 1893. Their goal is to help potential members make the right choice when selecting Medicare coverage by making the process easy and understandable. Today, they offer their eligible members access to a secure management tool that guides them in finding out which Medicare plan will best their needs. They offer the following types of health & drug plans:
- UPMC for Life HMO, HMO SNP, and PPO
- UPMC for Life Dual (eligible for both Medicare & Medicaid)
- UPMC for Life Medicare Advantage
NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.
The information below ONLY applies to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Medicare Plans.
This Medicare Advantage plan has been around for 17 years with this company but the question still generally is: What is Medicare?
It is a federal health insurance program. In order to qualify, you must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully present in the United States. You must also:
- Be age 65 or older, or
- Be under age 65 with certain disabilities, or
- Have permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis.
There are four parts of it broken down as follows:
- Part A – hospital coverage such as:
- Inpatient hospital care
- Skilled nursing facility care
- Home health care
- Hospice care
- Part B – medical coverage such as:
- Doctor & other health care provider services
- Lab & x-ray services
- Outpatient surgery
- Preventive services
- Ambulance services
- Durable medical equipment such as prosthetics, wheelchairs, and hospital beds
- Part C – Medicare Advantage plans offered by approved private health plans that cover both Part A & B in one combined plan & possible additional benefits such as:
- Routine hearing, dental, and vision exams
- Hearing aids or glasses (except for glasses following cataract surgery)
- Emergency medical assistance while traveling outside the U.S.
- Fitness club membership
- Part D – prescription drug plans offered by approved private insurance companies generally through a prescription drug plan (PDP) or by including it in a Medicare Advantage prescription drug plan (MAPD)
NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.
We have provided a quick guide for you to find out how you can browse plans, enroll into a new plan or make a payment to your current plan. Be sure you have your personal information on hand.

Follow the easy steps below if you are a NEW member who needs to Browse plans:
- Visit this link on your device in an internet browser.
- Click on the “Explore Plan Options’ button.
- Type in your name & date of birth in the fields provided.
- Answer the questions for an accurate search.
- Click on the “Next Step” button OR click on the “Skip This Step” link.
- Type in you address and then click on the “Next Step” button for a more accurate search OR just select your county and then click on the “Skip This Step” for a broad search.
- Proceed to move forward and browse all the plans available in your area.
Steps if you are a NEW member looking to Enroll into a new plan online:
- Visit: on your device.
- Under on the “ENROLL” section, click on the “Apply Online” button or “Enroll By Phone” button.
- Proceed to move forward and provide all the required information and complete the enrollment process.
For Members looking to Make a Payment towards your plan online:
- Visit on your internet web browser.
- Review the 5 different ways to make payment such as:
- Online through MyHealth Online
- Make a one time payment online
- Call the number on the back of your ID card
- Visit a location near you
- Mail payment in
For Members who need to View the current Drug List Formulary:
- Visit in your internet browser.
- Select the Year you need.
- Choose plan type and state.
- Select your county.
- Click on the “Prescription Drug Coverage” tab.
- Click on the “Prescription Drug Formulary Information” tab.
- Review the documents provided.