The Employees Retirement System of Texas provides benefit programs for state employees, retirees and their dependents. They began this in 1947 and it provides retirement benefits for retired state employees that are stable and reasonable source of income and benefits.

Why Login or Create an Account?

Employed (Currently and Formerly)

  • Update Beneficiaries
  • Update Contact Information
  • Certify Tobacco Use
  • Create a Retirement Estimate
  • Insurance Eligibility
  • Request a Power of Attorney


  • Update Contact Information
  • Update Beneficiaries
  • Certify Tobacco Use
  • Change Retiree Newsletter Mail Options
  • Insurance Eligibility
  • Manage Annuity Payments

NOTE: please visit the site directly to verify the details and obtain more information.

If you need to access the sign in or registration page, follow these easy steps below. We have provided a quick guide for you to find out how you can sign in to an active account or activate a new online account and gain access. Be sure you have your personal information on hand.

What you need to have available to Enroll or Sign In to your ERS Employees Retirement System of Texas online:

  • internet access
  • personal name

Follow these easy steps below to register and create a new account:

  1. Visit the following URL in your internet browser.
  2. Click on “Enroll”.
  3. Under “Not Registered?” click on “Register”.
  4. In the spaces provided, type your Name.
  5. In the space provided, type your Address.
  6. In the space provided, type your City.
  7. Choose your state from the drop down list.
  8. In the space provided, type your Zip Code.
  9. In the space provided, type your Telephone Number.
  10. In the space provided, type your Email Address.
  11. Click the “Next” button
  12. Continue to provide needed information and move forward until complete.

Follow these easy steps below to Login to your current account:

  1. Visit: in your internet browser.
  2. Click on “View My Homepage”
  3. In the space provided, type your Username.
  4. In the space provided, type your Password.
  5. Click the “Sign In” button
  6. Begin using tools.